Frequently Asked Questions


How Do I Get Started?

The first step would be to get a copy of your credit report. Click here- IDENTITY IQ Once submitted, our team will review your unique situation and contact you within 24 hours to discuss all the best option for you. 

Will Getting My Report Hurt My Credit?

Absolutely not. Obtaining a copy of your report will not report any negative inquires. Our goal is to see where you are at and meet you with whatever tools necessary to get you the best possible outcome for your needs and dreams.

Will You Charge Me to Discuss My Options?


At Salomon & Salomon our goal is to get you funding. We only succeed by helping you. Our expert team will gladly present all options free of charge. 

I'm Sold. Now What?

Once we evaluate what your circumstance and needs are, the next step would be to get a Personalized Quote. Our cutting edge solutions will provide you with the step by step methods to get you the funds you deserve.

Can I Qualify for Funds with Debt?

Yes, just depends on several variables. We work with all situations. No matter where you are in life, we understand that businesses and individuals go through rough patches. Inquires, Student Loans, Unpaid Credit Cards, you name it. We have the remedies to get you where you need to be.


Are startup businesses acceptable?

Of course! We process and accommodate all types of businesses.

Does my business have to be organized under a specific entity type?

While it is not mandatory to have an entity created, many banks are more willing to lend to an individuals that have put forth the effort to create a DBA or corporation. Another upside of creating an entity is the protection and legitimacy it gives your business.

What if my credit score doesn’t qualify?

Not a problem! We come prepared with the most cutting edge techniques to legally get your credit in excellent standing. Many of our applicants bring on a credit partner with a 680+ credit score. A credit partner, for example, can be a business partner, friend, family member or investor, etc. If you do not have one we have the several options to get your score to the moon.

How long does it take to get funding?

Every client is a different case. Generally we can obtain funding within 30-90 days. Most funding companies in this industry take months in attempting to secure capital. Through Salomon & Salomon’s streamlined process, funding can be obtained in half that time.

How is funding obtained so promptly?

Salomon & Salomon's process is the outcome of extensive bank analysis, legal consultation and research and development. Our surplus of knowledge comes from our learned skill to analyze and contrast thousands of applications and the subsequent credit awarded.

It may sound like this is too good to be true, but in reality, the outcome of our program isn’t fictitious. It’s just the simple operation of experience, a specialized understanding of this process and a great deal of hard work.